NEW IN THE NEWSSTAND: Dolls, Doll Crafter & Costuming, Fired Arts & Crafts, Teddy Bear Review

Dolls features a doll from Charisma Brands on its February cover (love that topknot!). Back in 1991 Charisma approached Marie Osmond to endorse a line of dolls for the QVC shopping network. She wound up designing the line instead, and eventually became one of the owners of the company! While it has since changed ownership, Marie continues to design dolls for Charisma. I liked the issue's "Talking About Antiques" column, which is full of facts about and pictures of antique Valentines cards. All doll lovers will want to join the magazine in celebrating the 20th anniversary of De Poppenstee, the Dutch gallery and studio famous for its realistic dolls of children from around the world.
The March issue of Doll Crafter & Costuming has a nice feature about reproducing an Alabama Indestructible Doll, a brand made in Roanoke, Alabama from 1905 to 1932. Ella Smith was inspired to start the line after her dolls won first place at the St. Louis Exposition in 1904. They featured plaster face masks covered by knit fabrics and finished with oil paints, so they were washable. The eyes were painted. As Ella wrote in her catalogue, "when the dear little girl drops one of these dolls she don't have to cry her little heart out because dolly has a broken head. She can just pick her up and go on happy and gay because these dolls do not break from being dropped." In the cover story, Susan Parris describes the painstaking work that goes into creating a fashionably dressed Queen Anne Doll.
I was fascinated by an article in the February issue of Fired Arts & Crafts titled "Framing Porcelain in Silver." It's about a new product developed in Japan called metal clay, which uses the sintering process to turn organic binders mixed with silver powder into 99.9% pure silver after firing. In clay form it can be molded and rolled; when dried, it can be filed, sanded and sculpted. After firing, it can be polished to a brilliant shine. The cover article focuses on a crucial ingredient in pottery: lowly clay. "Selecting the wrong clay could make your creative process more difficult, it could affect the durability of the finished ware or compromise safety," the article warns, before giving you ten useful tips on selecting clay for your project. Fired Arts & Crafts is the official magazine of The American Fired Arts Alliance. Jones Publishing merged its Popular Ceramics title into the magazine several months ago.
Just about everybody's favorite doll publication is the Teddy Bear Review. We've got the February issue in the newsstand, the one with the Pirate Teddy on the cover. As the cover article explains, he's part of designer R. John Wright's "Bears at Sea" collection, and should give Johnny Depp a run for his money in the Pirate of the Year competition. Christine Pike examines the weighty issue of whether your teddy bear should be clothed or not, something I've never thought much about, but then, I'm not a teddy bear. You are also alerted to the fact that The Teddy Bear Museum in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, will soon be offered for sale at Christie's in London. Get your bid in quickly!
You can purchase sample copies of any of these issues from for $2.59, plus $2.00 per order for shipping costs.
Labels: craft magazines, Doll Crafter and Costuming, doll magazines, Dolls, Fired Arts and Crafts, Teddy Bear Review